I am NOT a web designer. I am an artist and interior designer. I learned slugged through basic web design specifically to add content to my personal pages. It would be interesting to me as an artist, how many newbie, web designers web sites are being rated on first pages of major search engines. I cannot possibly be the only one out there who is discovering the passion it takes to keep a business web presence on the first page of Google.
I had the impression to be a web designer or alternately have a great web presence; you needed to be a major brain or have schooling in the specific technology. Wrong… In my search for useful web design information, which by the way, most is free, you can teach yourself the art of web design and search engine placement.
Of course I will never be able to complete with the big boys. So I have been told or led to believe. Maybe, maybe not. I have successfully been on Google’s first page for my key phrases for weeks. Does this mean I have cracked the code? No. But I am persistent. I have had REAL web designers shrug, figuratively pat me on the head and wish me luck. All the while knowing I would never be able to keep up.
My persistent nature keeps me searching for answers to the same questions as most other internet explorers. I also believe these answers change daily. If I don’t keep up on today’s ideas and discoveries I will fall behind.
Being a visual artist/designer, iniatially the looks of my web sites was most important. Then I discovered a beautiful web site meant nothing unless people actually saw, read, and internalized its content. So I have made a point of reading as much GOOD SEO, Web 2.0 and basic design articles I can get my hands, (eyes) on.
There is no competition. The expert web code designer will win hands-down in the goal of reaching first page rankings. But, and that’s a big but, I will always believe an artist and graphic designer can make a web site attractive with their instinctual knowledge of space and white space, color and what color can do. I also know a cross-over is happening. By cross-over, I mean web designers are either using proven templates or have begun to be artists themselves. There are amazingly beautiful sites which are instructional and easy to roam.
Web art isn’t as simple as putting a cool looking page together with all the bells and whistles. It has become a fast driven art. Some of the most beautiful sites are very hard to digest. Alternatively, some of the simplest web sites are the easiest sites to internalize. Why can’t we have both?
As an artist and designer, I am bound and determined to have pleasing and easy sites for people to explore. Just maybe I can become both, an artist and web presence. Well, maybe not. But I will endeavor to keep a moments pace with the amazing works on the web. They awe and inspire all those having the privilege of visiting.
SK Sartell